
During the cold war, the Warsaw pact developed computer viruses that would disable NATO aircraft.  When the cold war finished these virus programmers sold their product to the highest bidder.

A Bulgarian computer virus programmer is attacked while in the midst of selling his product via an Internet video conference with a recluse hacker in Atlanta, named Locksmith (T. S. Morgan).

In Washington, a savvy but lonely young intelligence agent, DeDe (Leslie Stevens), is sent on her first assignment by her CIA superior Mark Velli (Mark Oliver).  He orders her to infiltrate and install a harmless computer "bug" at an anti-virus software company in Atlanta, who's main client is NASA.

DeDe charms her way into the company and releases the "bug" into their computer network, as instructed.  Enjoying her new undercover role, she falls for an attractive fellow employee and good-natured bicycle racer Chip Puller (David Weck).

As DeDe continues her assignment, she is not aware that her superior, Mark Velli, has been directed by Senator Armstrong to create an incident that will benefit his upcoming Presidential campaign.

The relationship between Chip and DeDe develops and she reveals her true identity.  Shocked and betrayed, Chip leaves and goes to his old friend the computer hacker, Locksmith.

During the day, the television news reports that the Shuttle is stranded in orbit by a lethal computer virus that has disabled its internal computer system.  This crisis reunites the estranged couple and Locksmith.  Together, the team searches for the code that will disable the virus and return the Shuttle's onboard computers to normal, before a disaster occurs.

DeDe and Chip head for Washington to confront Velli.  On the way, they narrowly escape an assassin's car on a steep mountain road.  The Washington conspirators try to cover their tracks.

Can the impending disaster of the Shuttle be avoided and the conspirators brought to justice?

Starring: Leslie Stevens, David Weck and T.S. Morgan

Written, Produced & Directed by: Noel Sterrett